Christmas blessings.

Our grandson spent Christmas day with us. At 1 yr 3 months, he now was able to interact more with the moment. He had quite a bit of hard work getting some balls off the tree and checking out the lighting — cool bulbs, verified by Grammie first...
Discovering that the plastic, baby-proof balls do boUnCe!

Family over for Christmas dinner.
Got up at seven, after going to sleep only at two-thirty am, to put the turkey in oven... with the finalizing etc, actually got it in a little later.
The "stuffing", my father's recipe of Outside the Turkey Onion and Sage Stuffing, I had already made in the day-before's cooking session: a whole other turkey, stuffing and sauce (gravy) for my co-suegros (my Belle Fille-to-be's parents).
When turkey done, made the gravy, again.
For someone "who doesn't cook", I sure was cooking a lot.
I guess the secret is out.
All this irregular cooking on my part in a busy kitchen (I'm a "lone"cook!), with my co-chefs, Gourmet Hubbie and BelleFilleToBe, who was in charge of the crêpe-making, and with "management" and support from said Son², till I got him cracking on the decorating.
During this time, also running about organizing the house, getting Son² to finish the Christmas tree decorations and other last minute things, setting the table — which envolves digging out the special plates and glasses from their hidey-holes as still don't have my kitchen cupboards! —
The last swipe of cloth, the last detail of the table setting finished, the last red bauble hung ... just three minutes before the doorbell rang!
Felt like one of those tv remodling shows!
Christmas Menu

• Smoked Surubim* Crêpes with Wasabi and Dill Cream Au Gratin
• Roasted Pork Loin with Mustard&Dill Yoghurt Cream Sauce
• Caraway seed and Olive oil Oven Potatoes
• Ginger and Honey Turkey
• Dad's Outside the Turkey Onion and Sage Stuffing
A beautiful and delicious Apfelstrudel, that a friend makes, with Vanilla Ice Cream
She makes it just like the good ones in Austria and Germany.
*Surubim - Brazilian catfish

No pictures of the "before"!
After all the rush, a tranquil delicious dinner and time with family — best way to spend Christmas!
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