
"Pongáio" was the name my Aunt Mona gave to a long, green, cool room where we gathered at her home —
replete with comfy chairs, a rocker, sewing machine, sewing goods, beautiful beads, shelves, books, bibelots, photographs, odds'n'ends, mementos of a life, treasures —
a gathering of all the useful & 'useless' things that so make life a pleasure.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Stefano Landi - "Augellin" - L'Arpeggiata, Marco Beasley

Stephano Landi (1587-1639) 
Marco Beasley ~ L'Arpeggiata

Che'l tuo amor
Segui ogn'hor
Dal faggio al pin;
E spiegando i bei concenti
Vai temprando
Col tuo canto i miei lamenti.

Il mio Sol troppo fier,
Troppo altier,
Del mio gran duol
Clori amata, Clori bella,
M'odia ingrata
A' miei prieghi empia e rubella.

Non sia più
Cruda no, morirò
S'ella è qual fù;
Taci, taci, che già pia
Porge i baci,
Al mio labro l'alba mia.

Segui augel
Né sdegnar
Di formar
Canto novel;
Fuor del seno amorosetto
Mostra à pieno
La tua gioia, il mio diletto.

      Paintings by Bouguereau

Word rant

Warning: This is a rant!

Ok... so what's with Microsoft ?!!! (I'm sure I'm just one of millions of users swearing at *It/them***).

Recently changed from Word 2003 to 2007. Ok, ok, so I'm late.


Microsoft has c-a-r-e-f-u-l-l-y hidden all the formatting buttons in a myriad of fancy-looking but not-needed tabs and twice or thrice hidden the commands in mysterious menus.
The game: You are Suckers! Blaaaannnhhh!!!

So, instead of just getting the work done, oh no, you must play hide and seek. And if you are so lucky as to actually find what you want, you'll still do it in three or more steps than before.

***Pot party during software-making time? or just sheer bloody-mindedness? or should that be an "and/or" and an extended list of mind impairing drugs?

And, this unfortunate trend just continues onwards-and-backwards to the 2010 and 2013 versions.