Plight of the HoneybeeIn the past two years, nearly one-third of America's honeybees have vanished. Here's how you can help.
In 2006, America's honeybees started mysteriously abandoning their hives, never to return. Farmers -- many of whom rely on the pollinator to help their crops grow (almonds, apples, avocados, blueberries, broccoli, carrots, cherries, and onions are just a few of the foods that require pollination) -- are understandably worried, as are scientists, who fear the honeybee may be a modern-day canary in a coal mine. Although the bee die-off, also known as colony collapse disorder, continues to alarm and puzzle scientists and beekeepers, experts hypothesize that the likely culprits are pesticides, dwindling food supply, and a new virus that appears to target the bees' immune system.
The flavor of honey depends on the flowers the bees visit. Pale golden honeys, such as those produced from alfalfa or clover, sell best in grocery stores. Darker honeys are savored like good wine by aficionados.The flavor of honey depends on the flowers the bees visit. Pale golden honeys, such as those produced from alfalfa or clover, sell best in grocery stores. Darker honeys are savored like good wine by aficionados.
Busy Bees
Every third bite of food we eat has been pollinated by an industrious honeybee. "The bees' survival depends on how we manage and protect our world," says Burt Shavitz, cofounder of Burt's Bees.
What You Can Do in Your Backyard
Replace some of your lawn with flower beds.
Plant native plant species, which are well-suited for local bee populations. A wealth of honeybee resources -- including a free Pollinator Garden Wheel and a poster depicting North American bee species -- are available at
Reduce or eliminate pesticides and insecticides in the garden whenever possible. Visit for eco-friendly alternatives.
Choose plants that flower at various stages in the growing season to provide a consistent source of food for pollinators.
prop:For a free packet of bee-friendly flower seeds, visit
— from Country Living Magazine