
"Pongáio" was the name my Aunt Mona gave to a long, green, cool room where we gathered at her home —
replete with comfy chairs, a rocker, sewing machine, sewing goods, beautiful beads, shelves, books, bibelots, photographs, odds'n'ends, mementos of a life, treasures —
a gathering of all the useful & 'useless' things that so make life a pleasure.

Friday, August 31, 2007


Virgo is the sign of the Goddess. The Goddess could be described as the living spirit of earthly existence, rather than of celestial. The Goddess is about experiencing life in the moment, in a holistic way: for example, experiencing sex and love as aspects of one another rather than as mutually exclusive; about experiencing food as a gift from the planet we walk on; and experiencing physical life as sacred, rather than being the "enemy" of whatever we think of as divine.
--- Eric Francis, PlanetWaves

Like nothing

Jonathan Cainer:
Like nothing on earth...
They now tell us, with a straight face, that out in deep space, experts have discovered a billion miles of nothing. Sorry. I know I have already written about this. Still, though, I can't quite manage to stop thinking about it. Nothing. Nothing? Nothing we recognise, perhaps. Nothing we can detect, fine. Nothing doing. Nothing happening. Nothing to report. Nothing to write home about. But surely, there can't be absolutely nothing at all? And why 'a billion miles'. This may sound like a lot, but I rather feel it's not big enough to be convincing. Surely, nothing lasts forever!
Jonathan Cainer´s Zodiac Forecasts
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23 - Dec 21)
A patch of nothing, one billion miles wide. Scientists have just discovered it deep in distant space. It begs an interesting question. How do you measure nothing? And what kind of nothing is it? Nothing much? Nothing to write home about? Nothing special? Nothing at all? A billion miles? That's not nothing, that's something! By the way, you know that problem that you need to get to grips with this weekend? The best thing you can possibly do about it... is nothing.

Friday, August 24, 2007


From an email from my friend Mari.
Beauty for the soul, after a looong, tiring day!
Para quem gosta de uma boa fotografia...
26 de Janeiro em Perth, na Austrália, uma multidão juntou-se numa praia local para testemunhar um espetáculo de fogos de artifício. Entretanto, um raio apareceu do lado direito.
Mas o mais inesperado foi, entre estas duas manifestações de luz, aparecer uma terceira, o Cometa McNaught, visível no hemisfério sul.
Um autêntico três-em-um que resultou nesta foto fantástica.

"For those who enjoy good photography...
On January 26 in Perth, Australia, a crowd gathered a a local beach to see a fireworks show.
Suddenly, to the right, a lightning bolt fell.
And, between these two manifesttions of light, there was a third: the McNaught Comet, visible in the southern hemisphere.
A true three-in-one that resulted in this fantástic photo:"

Clique para ver a foto no tamanho original
Click to enlarge

Monday, August 20, 2007

Far Side of the Moon

Far side of the Moon
Far side of the Moon
from: Federation of American Scientists

Section 19: The Solar System and Planetary Exploration

Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Window into the Abyss

Getting a beating today from Blogger! Trying to put in a calendar... but!!!!!....

Is it that strange image blinking half error?

Although here, only a blank: A window into the cybernetic abyss!

Everything now with "easy buttons", have you noticed?
They want to do everything, do too much... and NOT what we want... like some crazed robot helper!!!
Rosie ataca!

Just like in the Jetsons!

Exactly! A Miss Wordinária... with that little lace cap!

These little blogger widget monsters!

Taking over everything, ..."helping"... ,
at the same time reducing the options, not letting us do what we want... driving one crazy!
A tyranny of help... aaaarghhh!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I spy...


Monday, August 13, 2007

web iconography

Pooooor kittie!

Nothing to Do?

From the summer I spent with Aunt Terry and Uncle John in Connecticutt, when I was thirteen.
Nothing to Do
--- by Shel Silverstein

Nothing to do?
Nothing to do?
Put some mustard in your shoe,
Fill your pockets full of soot,
Drive a nail into your foot,
Put some sugar in your hair,
Place your toys upon the stair,
Smear some jelly on the latch,
Eat some mud and strike a match,
Draw a picture on the wall,
Roll some marbles down the hall,
Pour some ink in daddy's cap ---
Now go upstairs...
... and take a nap.

--- Cole, William. Beastly Boys and Ghastly Girls, 1964

From this book, a treasure, from Aunt's library.

Friday, August 10, 2007


Aug 10, 2007
Transiting Mercury Conjunct Natal Uranus

Weird and unusual thoughts may cross your mind. Brilliant ideas pop into your head. Just think twice about blurting them out. Others may be shocked or thrown off guard by your comments. Your head's just not in the same place as the rest of ours. But, this is your chance to make perceptual breakthroughs and get out of the old mental box. You can learn or just intuitively know new stuff in the flash of an eye. Discipline and focus may be difficult, so stay flexible and keep your schedule and your thinking as open as you can.

In addition, other influences can add complexity to the day.

Aug 10, 2007
Transiting Mars Square Natal Pluto

Intense feelings may not be easy to hide now. The challenge is finding the best way to express them without going too far. Whoever may be making you angry is only the trigger, not the real cause. Look within far enough and you may find some core issues about power and control that are the real culprits. You can use this time to overcome incredible obstacles. Just make sure that these are the real obstacles that you want to move. Focus your activities to the most essential, and your force can be like a laser able to cut through anything.

Smart to Stupid

Neptune, Achilles and also Chiron are in Aquarius. This represents the crisis of groups and individuals meeting one another. It is easy to take several very smart people and have it become a very stupid group.

--- August New Moon - By Kirsti Melto with Eric Francis | Lunations

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Shakespeare's Tide

Today, "at home".

Early today, went to the lab to take out blood for exams.
As of the forties (my forties, that is), high anxiety while "The Search for the Vein" goes on; then an almost unbearable tension while awaiting The Needle!
Which, when it happens, all comes down the reality:
it doesn't hurt much, and what was the fuss all about?
How tiring!

Then, back at home, clearing out The Box in the Stairwell...
There, waiting patiently, only since the move — what, nearly a year ago? — for it to be done.

As I'm in a clearing and cleaning phase, best use Shakespeares's tide, so, besides the Stairwell, I'm also emptying The Box in the Corridor!!!

It has stuff from my "office" drawers... an absolute terror... dreadful!
I've tried to tackle this sinister, as my young nephew Christopher would say, petainer, several times but was totally daunted by The Contents.
Writing paper, stationery sets, loose envelopes, bits of paper That Will Be Useful Someday... and those terrible Little Odds'n'Ends, that are impossible to throw out!!!

I definitely would be a flunk-out of those Just-Throw-Your-Precious-Stuff Out courses!

Forgiveness Prayer

Dear Father-Mother-God,
You, who reside in us,
Your name is spoken
only in our hearts,
We recognize that what you wish,
We ask of your bounty
that you wish for us:
Food for our body,
Forgiveness for others and
Love for all your creation.

Ensinada pelos Kahunas - 5.000 anos AC

Buscando eliminar todos os bloqueios que atrapalhavam a minha evolução, dedicarei alguns minutos para perdoar. A partir desse momento eu perdôo todas as pessoas que de alguma forma me ofenderam, me injuriaram, me prejudicaram ou me causaram dificuldades desnecessárias. Perdôo sinceramente quem me rejeitou, me odiou, me abandonou, me traiu, me ridicularizou, me humilhou, me amedrontou, me iludiu.

Perdôo especialmente quem me provocou até que eu perdesse a paciência e reagisse violentamente, para depois me fazer sentir vergonha, remorso e culpa inadequada. Reconheço que também fui responsável pelas agressões que recebi, pois várias vezes confiei em indivíduos negativos, permiti que me fizessem de bobo e descarregassem em mim seu mau caráter.

Por longos anos suportei maus tratos e humilhações, perdendo tempo e energia na tentativa inútil de conseguir um bom relacionamento com essas criaturas.

Já estou livre da necessidade compulsiva de sofrer e livre da obrigação de conviver com indivíduos e ambientes tóxicos. Iniciei agora uma nova etapa da minha vida, em companhia de gente amiga, sadia e competente: querem compartilhar sentimentos nobres, enquanto trabalhamos para o progresso de todos nós.

Jamais voltarei a me queixar, falando sobre mágoas e pessoas negativas. Se por acaso pensar nelas, lembrarei que já estão perdoadas e descartadas de minha vida intima definitivamente. Agradeço pelas dificuldades que essas pessoas me causaram, pois isso me ajudou a evoluir, do nível humano comum ao nível espiritualizado em que estou agora.

Quando me lembrar das pessoas que me fizeram sofrer, procurarei valorizar suas boas qualidades e pedirei ao criador que as perdoe também, evitando que elas sejam castigadas pela lei de causa e efeito, nesta vida ou em futuras. Dou razão a todas as pessoas que rejeitaram o meu amor e minhas boas intenções, pois reconheço que é um direito que assiste a cada um me repelir, não me corresponder e me afastar de suas vidas.

Agora sinceramente, peço perdão a todas as pessoas a quem de alguma forma, consciente e inconscientemente, eu ofendi, prejudiquei ou desagradei. Analisando e fazendo julgamento de tudo que realizei ao longo da minha vida, vejo que o valor das minhas boas ações é suficiente para pagar todas as minhas dívidas e resgatar todas as minhas culpas, deixando um saldo positivo a meu favor.

Sinto-me em paz com minha consciência e de cabeça erguida respiro profundamente, prendo o ar e me concentro para enviar uma corrente de energia destinada ao Eu Superior. Ao relaxar, minhas sensações revelam que este contato foi estabelecido.

Agora dirijo minha mensagem ao meu Eu Superior, pedindo orientação, proteção e ajuda, para a realização, em ritmo acelerado, de um projeto muito importante que estou trabalhando com dedicação e amor.

Agradeço de todo o coração a todas as pessoas que me ajudaram e comprometo-me a retribuir trabalhando para o bem do próximo, atuando como agente catalizador do entusiasmo, prosperidade e auto-realização. Tudo farei em harmonia com as leis da natureza e com a permissão do nosso criador, eterno, infinito, indescritível que eu, intuitivamente, sinto como o único poder real, atuante dentro e fora de mim.
Assim seja assim é e assim será.
— Retirado do livro "Cinestesia do Saber" – Renato Guedes de Siqueira - Rocca, 2000

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The Attic

Got home and had lunch...


This morning I continued with the pharaonic undertaking of creating a space with my atelier things; organizing, cleaning and then throwing out, the trillions of boxes and things that are in the 3rd-floor deposit, put there on the move from the big apt to the teeny  one.
Doing domestic arqueology, unearthing the precious relics!!!

Tomorrow if there are no contretemps, I hope to go at it all day...
Who knows, mayhaps the box with the files from the top drawer of my file cabinet will arise from the box-ocean — I do need some files from that drawer!
Up until now, I have found the boxes with the middle-drawer files, and today, the bottom drawer's! I think the mover's evil genie is playing with me!!!

Monday, August 06, 2007



Probably, the food from yesterday's lunch. Delicious, but fats-plus...
I'm already on my second cup of pitanga leaf tea, from the pitanga tree I have growing in a pot on my veranda. (pitanga leaf tea is a divine remedy for belly-ache-blues!)

Nausea&intestinal colic is first cousin to seasickness:
Even the name causes a certain suffereing: ... naaAUusea... ... naaaAAAUUUuusea...

The only thought is to die quickly to get out of that living, sickening, hell...
And once over, one simple dosen't know what the fuss was all about!
It is like childbirth, or at least mine...
Unbearable at the time; but one survives. The auto-delete then comes on, and we go on to have one or two more!

Sunday, August 05, 2007


Sunday at last!

We have a lunch appointment although I'd much rather stay home and have a nice lazy Sunday...
But, yes I know, it'll be interesting once there.

Yesterday, class all afternoon and into evening with Rosane. Sooo much information! I think it'll take a while to get it all digested!
After class, I walked a bit to find a taxi. The evening air was great, a delicious coolness on my  face. The walk bouyed my already high spirits.

Once home, I invited Hubbie out for a movie. We went to see an action movie that he likes, full of suspense, chases and those cars that have self-exploding gas tanks!
Going to the movies was something we hadn't done in ages; the last times the audience had been just too noisy. This time, it was way better behaved.
All in all, a good time.